Users can post any suggestions regarding new features here for discussion. Don't forget to create a poll so that other users can vote on whether the suggested feature is needed.
How about including a magnifier window (perhaps right or left of the preview window) that magnifies the area under and around the mouse cursor when you are working within the source or target window?
This would enable you to have good precision on delicate operation such as adjustment without having to zoom in and out continuously.
This idea is basically why i came to this page. What i had in mind is a "browser" window, with a red sqaure that you can drag around, just like what you see in Photoshop.
Anonymous wrote:What i had in mind is a "browser" window, with a red sqaure that you can drag around, just like what you see in Photoshop.
It seems you want a navigator window. Though I think it is different from the magnifier window suggested by Chris, it's also a good idea.
We may consider this in the future.
Thank you!